About Us

Decuple Comprehensive Ecosystem

Encompasses 10 blockchain-related enterprises, NFT collections, and tokens, tailored to meet the needs of both individuals and corporations.

Our mission is to provide universal welfare and affordable financial services, empowering all to thrive. Each enterprise specializes in a distinct industry, maximizing expertise and impact.

Contact us on Telegam @Lenzolab

Ecosystem components:

10 Inclusive Projects

Crafted to address all facets of your real life, enhancing prosperity and well-being.

DCP Utility Token

Formulated as the native currency for service and goods payments, transaction fees, and governance functionalities.

NFT Collections

Engineered to bestow extraordinary privileges upon VIP customers within the ecosystem via "Stake to pay" mechanism.

Our businesses


Thus far, 5 projects have been planned, with others yet to be disclosed.

Faxen Exchange

Your premier cryptocurrency exchange designed for traders, investors, and crypto enthusiasts seeking to make informed financial decisions.

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Your ultimate booking platform in the travel and tourism industry, offering seamless reservations for flights, accommodations, restaurants, car rentals, and more, worldwide.

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Your comprehensive medical tourism and healthcare platform, offering affordable treatment and surgical options in various countries, while ensuring you enjoy a seamless travel experience.

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Your global online marketplace for retailers and wholesalers, offering a myriad of services including branding consultation, social media advertising, logistics, and more.

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The crypto project launcher linking investors with crypto ventures, facilitating profit generation and capital raising for blockchain businesses through IDOs and other fundraising methods.

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DCP Token

Our ecosystem thrives on connectivity, facilitated by the Decuple token (DCP), which serves as the universal currency.

DCP seamlessly integrates across all 10 projects, enabling the equitable distribution of value, utility, and governance rights throughout our network.

A total of 1 billion DCP tokens are allocated among our 10 projects. This unique distribution method sets us apart from conventional crypto enterprises, ensuring that each of our entities receives approximately 100 million DCP. As a result, the market capitalization of each Decuple business is determined by the valuation of 100 million tokens.

See tokenomics detail here.

NFT First Series

The Genesis Collection

Our NFT collections confer extraordinary rights, unlocking unprecedented features within our 10 solutions through a revolutionary "Stake to pay" mechanism.

These powerful tools are designed to channel lifelong prosperity and well-being across nearly all aspects of life for our most VIP customers.

Our Goals


Phase 01

2023 - Q2

  • Fostering business idea
  • Feasibility study
  • Technology research
  • Market research and pre-planning

Phase 02

2023 - Q3

  • NFT graphic design (first collection)
  • NFT smart contract deveoplment

Phase 03

2023 - Q4

  • Fullnode server setup
  • Faxen website prototype
  • Campifo website prototype
  • Medurism website prototype
  • Opous website prototype

Phase 04

2024 - Q1

  • Document preparation
  • Subproject planning
  • Decuple token (DCP) tokenomics design
  • DCP (BEP20) smart contract development
  • Integration library development

Phase 05

2024 - Q2

  • Whitepaper publish
  • Decuple website design
  • Social media & community building

Phase 06

2024 - Q3

  • Decuple platform implementation
  • DCP (BEP20) smart contract deployment
  • DCP listing

Phase 07

2024 - Q4

  • Faxen MVP release
  • NFT Genesis collection smart contract deployment
  • NFT Genesis collection launch
  • NFT Genesis collection whitelisting
  • NFT Genesis collection release
  • Genesis collection listing

Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Decuple?

Decuple is a robust blockchain ecosystem, a monumental project encompassing 10 subsidiary businesses, the DCP token, and multiple NFT collections.

What are the subprojects of Decuple, and what do they offer?

Currently, five projects are in the pipeline:

Faxen: A leading cryptocurrency exchange catering to both individual investors and enterprises.

Campifo:An intuitive online booking platform catering to travelers and businesses alike.

Medurism: A medical tourism venture facilitating affordable healthcare services abroad.

Brandstaking: An e-commerce platform providing a space for retailers and wholesalers to showcase and sell their products.

Opous: A crypto fundraising platform and launchpad fostering opportunities for both investors and crypto ventures.

What is the DCP token, and what is its purpose?

The DCP token serves as Decuple's native currency, facilitating value transfer, payments for services and goods, and functioning as a governance tool across the entire ecosystem of 10 projects.

How many DCP tokens will be released, and how will they be allocated for each project?

A total of 1 billion DCP tokens will be released, with approximately 100 million allocated to each project to unlock their full potential and contribute to their market capitalization.

What are Decuple NFTs?

Decuple NFTs comprise meticulously curated collections, each imbued with purposeful value and matured applications. These utility-driven NFTs unlock a myriad of opportunities, including exclusive "Stake to pay" benefits and rewards across Decuple's ecosystem.

How does "Stake to pay" work?

By owning Decuple NFTs, VIP customers gain access to the "Stake to pay" mechanism. Therefore, users can unlock numerous features tailored across all 10 projects, maximizing their benefits within the ecosystem.